
The following companies have asked us to assist in some way with their project! BAM

Bahamas Project

Journey Of The Songhai People

Now that our Founder has met Dania Diaz, Executive Director of at UJC in NY on 7/23/22 will forward to soon! (We bought the domain for Jay-Z's foundation to give this domain to them for FREE! All we ask is a link to as per (Like AmazonSmile) and a public thanks for OUR mutual benefit!)

We own just showing our technological forward thinking prowess.  Stay tuned as to the future of this domain / movement!

Urbal in collaboration with Val Watson formerly of Grammy winning Club Nouveau!

R.I.P. Mr. Jim Brown...WE still have the plan from 2016, keep watching the implementation from Heaven! BAM

With Dr. Julius Garvey son of Honorable Marcus Garvey. Get his book at BAM.BLACK

Click the image to read the press release.


Click the image to hear Foster Sylver's hit from 1973